Meaningful climate science education in Washington schools for a thriving, sustainable environment.
Project Portraits
Project Portraits represent the diversity of work done by ClimeTime and the many ways in which climate science and the focus on local phenomena-based learning can engage both teachers and students.
Partner Stories
ClimeTime’s partners collaborate to bring knowledge and technical training (and sometimes gadgets) to hundreds of teachers all over the state of Washington.
ClimeTime in the Classroom
Teachers are taking what they’ve learned in ClimeTime professional development classes and applying that knowledge and skills to the classroom.
Upcoming Events
25 March
Zoom Call
STEM Seminar: Unpacking SnowpackRepeating Event
27 March
2024-25 CASTL Reflective Planning DaysRepeating Event
28 March
29 March - 29 May
01 April
Zoom Call
STEM Seminar: Climate Emotions and Creative ExpressionRepeating Event
08 April
Zoom Call
STEM Seminar: Climate Emotions and Creative ExpressionRepeating Event
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