ESD 112

The ESD 112 plan for ClimeTime includes a variety of offerings in teacher professional development, development of instructional materials, and student events. Their goal is to engage teachers in exploring ways climate change is impacting their local community so they can provide students with authentic, climate-related problem-solving experiences.

Teacher Professional Development

Throughout the year, multiple opportunities are offered for teachers to engage in professional learning around NGSS and climate science.

  • Six nPower Externships developed in collaboration with local businesses and organizations. Teachers visit businesses and learn how climate change is impacting their work, then participate in grade-level team collaboration to develop a classroom task based on what they’ve learned.
  • Six STEM Seminars where scientists and researchers present the impacts of climate at related locations in our region.
  • Other Events/Trainings, including a 3-day Summer Science Symposium and a national pilot of research-based, NGSS-aligned middle school science curriculum

Instructional Materials

Multiple opportunities to identify, modify, or develop climate-related classroom tasks and rubrics through the Science Leadership Network and nPower Teachers in STEM.

Student Engagement Activities

Student events with an explicit connection to climate science, including an interactive day for 4th-8th grade girls, highlighting women in climate-related careers.

Success Stories from ESD 112

ESD 112 Partners & Collaborators

EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools)