Teacher Casey Jones’ family includes migrant farmworkers, whose lives are directly affected by climate change and social injustice. The students at Rowena Chess Elementary School where Casey teaches also see the effects of these twin crises in their daily lives....
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.
ESD 105
The focus of the work within the ClimeTime Proviso has been to leverage an existing collaborative effort of 21 School Districts and 3 private schools that are members of the ESD 105 Science Cooperative to implement NGSS-aligned instruction for the vast majority of the region’s K-5 students.
Central Washington teachers dig in to PEI’s Regenerative Agriculture Storylines
Thanks to the support of ESD (Educational Service Districts) 105 and 171, eleven more Central Washington teachers were able to join the Pacific Education Institute (PEI) for an exploration of their Regenerative Agriculture Storylines. This two-day hybrid online and...
Teachers Tackle Food Waste with PEI’s Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines
Nehemias Chalma, Compost Facility Manager at Natural Selection Farms, spoke to teachers in both English and Spanish cohorts about using compost to support healthy soil. Where does good food go bad? This question gave educators in ESD 105, NCESD, and PSESD something to...
Hot and Hazy Summers Connect Climate Change to Local Experience
Educators learned why we had such an extreme heat wave this past summer, as they heard from Robin Fox, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Spokane. Chelsea Freeman teaches high school in Tonasket, an agricultural community hit especially hard by the...
Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Forests with ESDs 105 and 171
Workshop participants took on the role of trees and competed with each other for carbon, nutrients, and water. When Pacific Education Institute and two Central Washington Educational Service Districts thought about how to best serve the teachers in their region, an...
Regional Science Coordinators are growing and supporting OpenSciEd use amongst middle school science teachers
Between 2018 and 2021, Washington State Regional Science Coordinators and a tea of dedicated middle school science teachers engaged in field testing OpenSciEd instructional units to help inform the development of a complete Grades 6-8 open educational resource (OER)....
Washington State High School Teachers and OpenSciEd: on the cutting edge of NGSS instruction and materials
Following our state's three year participation in helping develop the nationally recognized Middle School OpenSciEd materials, Washington State high school science teachers are stepping up to aid development of OpenSciEd's open educational resource instructional...
ClimeTime cited in leading science journal
The Washington state program ClimeTime, which is facilitated by the state’s nine Education Service Districts (ESDs) and community partners, was recently cited as a popular and effective model for educator education in climate science. The Journal of Science Policy and...
Using NGSS to Investigate STEM Systems
High School teachers from Eastern Washington started the new year off with a bang! On January 5th teachers came to learn about the systems and the “Invisible Forest”. The evening started with Anne Thompson. Anne is a Research Assistant Professor in the Biology...