Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories


IslandWood’s teacher professional development opportunities are designed to support powerful learning experiences that connect to students’ lives and communities. In this time of increasing awareness and activism, IslandWood is joining with teachers in working to address the vast racial, economic, and environmental disparities in our communities and classrooms.

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Science Storylines for Elementary Teachers

Science Storylines for Elementary Teachers

On March 6, 2021, and again on March 13, IslandWood staff and elementary teachers came together on Zoom to explore two science storylines related to local phenological phenomena (say that five times fast!). Teachers of K-2 students explored a storyline related to...

Community Science

Community Science

On January 16, 2021, and again on May 15, 2021, IslandWood staff, teacher participants, and collaborative partners gathered on Zoom to discuss community-centered science storylines at the secondary level. With support from a high school science teacher/co-facilitator...

Science in Your Neighborhood

Science in Your Neighborhood

On August 18, 2020, and again with a second cohort on September 19, 2020, IslandWood staff and K-8 teachers came together on Zoom to consider how to make science engaging and meaningful for students in a year when the school communities were turned upside-down. Over...

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

The Washington state program ClimeTime, which is facilitated by the state’s nine Education Service Districts (ESDs) and community partners, was recently cited as a popular and effective model for educator education in climate science. The Journal of Science Policy and...

Equitable At Home Science Learning!

Equitable At Home Science Learning!

On May 29, 2020, 31 teachers and five IslandWood educators wrapped up a virtual four-part course focused on science teaching and learning--from your own home! Using STEM Teaching Tools and an impressive collection of participant expertise, the group explored...

Urban Waters Management at Pt. Defiance

Urban Waters Management at Pt. Defiance

On February 29th, educators gathered at the Environmental Learning Center right next to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, to explore the subject of Urban Water Systems. This beautiful building is home to high school students from SAMi (Science and Math Institute), and...

Defining Problems and Engineering Solutions

Defining Problems and Engineering Solutions

On February 22, educators gathered at Brownsville Elementary School for another great NGSS workshop. Along with two facilitators, the group explored the schoolyard and considered how students might work to address problems right there in their local community spaces...

Assets and Resources and Maps, OH MY!

Assets and Resources and Maps, OH MY!

On February 8, educators gathered at the Tacoma Professional Development Center to learn about Community Asset Mapping and how it can be used to connect both teachers and students to place. By using online mapping tools and naturalist observation skills, participants...