In a collaboration between NCESD’s Cari Haug (Regional Science Coordinator), Stefan Troutman (Educational Technology Specialist) and Andy Boyd (Regional Math Coordinator), third through 8th grade teachers were invited to learn about computational thinking strategies...
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

North Central ESD implements Climate Science and NGSS Professional Learning to area educators by leveraging collaboration opportunities among NCESD staff, community-based organizations, and other regional ESDs. The collaboration efforts extend to building teams of teachers that work together to create authentic climate science experiences for their students.
Teens Tackle Social Determinants of Health with Climate Justice League
Climate change was the reason Lori Buratto decided to become a high school science teacher. She understood how climate change impacts every aspect of life, but for years she only felt confident teaching it in the context of environmental science classes. Last year,...
OpenSciEd High School Summer Institute inspires and motivates teachers
“We need to stop thinking, ‘Is this student good enough for my science class?’ and start asking, ‘Is my science class good enough to engage all students?’” This was the question posed by Jamie Yoos, a chemistry teacher and OpenSciEd facilitator from Bellingham,...
OpenSciEd Elementary Field Test Launch Summer 2023
The OpenSciEd Elementary Field Test launched this August on the beautiful Washington State University, Vancouver campus. Over seventy elementary teachers from across the state participated in this three-day project launch learning about the high-quality OpenSciEd...
An Evening of Climate Education
In the historic Centralia Grand Ballroom, about 70 educators gathered on a Friday evening in October to listen and learn from author Katie Worth. Katie is a journalist and author of the book Miseducation: How Climate Change is Taught in America. The audience was...
From Sagebrush to Classroom: Educators’ Hands-On Experience with EarthGen
Sixteen educators ventured into Washington’s sweeping sagebrush landscapes near Bridgeport seeking hands-on insights to strengthen their understanding of the impact of climate change on two local species, the pygmy rabbit and the sharp-tailed grouse. EarthGen...
Phenomena-based Learning Workshop Creates Record Attendance and Completion Rates
PEI’s workshops are typically well attended, but what happened in May was exceptional. Over one hundred people registered for a Phenomena Based Learning: Solutions Oriented Storylines workshop and of those who attended, nearly all completed the course requirements....
Washington State Team Attends OpenSciEd Facilitator Academy to Launch Elementary Field Test
A team of 12 Washington state educators—OSPI, Regional Science Coordinators, and teacher leaders—attended the OpenSciEd Elementary Facilitator Academy in Denver, CO, June 19-24 with support from the Climetime project and Williams Foundation. This week-long immersion...
Outdoor Experiences Bring Students Alongside Professionals in the Field
The NCESD expanded the STEAM in the Field programing this year! This program brings local students out in the field at Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife areas near them to work alongside the professionals that are doing science and taking action everyday....