Adults usually try to reduce kids’ screen time, but when COVID-19 closed schools to in-person learning last spring, schools had no choice but to move classes online. With little experience in remote instruction, teachers have been challenged to get kids actively...
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Olympic ESD 114
The Olympic ESD 114 ClimeTime work is focused on increasing understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards while building a vision of science instruction consistent with the Framework for K-12 Science Education. Olympic ESD serves teachers in rural and remote areas on the Olympic Peninsula working to ensure equity and access to high quality professional learning opportunities in typically underserved communities.
Growing Interest in Elementary Science- A Schoolyard Garden Initiative
Olympic Educational Service District 114 has recently launched the Growing Elementary Science schoolyard garden initiative. This year long project began with thirty-five elementary teachers learning the science behind plant growth and how to anchor science learning...
Olympic ESD 114 Elementary Storylines Project Hub #3
On March 12th and 13th, eighteen elementary school teachers learn about NGSS 3D assessment and utilizing FA tasks within the context of a research-based informal formative assessment cycle. The event was designed and delivered by ESD 114 and Pacific Education...
Thermal Energy OpenSciEd
On February 25-26, 6th grade teachers from three school districts on the Olympic Peninsula participated in learning about a new OER sixth grade unit called Thermal Energy. Teachers will be piloting the unit in their classrooms this coming spring. The number of...
Zombie Guacamole Training
In ESD 114, 21 5th grade teachers gathered to learn about Washington Green School's 5th grade unit called Zombie Guacamole. In this NGSS-driven and phenomenon-based curriculum, students explore the factors of decomposition to understand how a bowl of guacamole was...
Washington Green Schools Hosts Hub Meeting with ESD 114
Washington Green Schools hosted a 3-hour Hub meeting/training in Bremerton on October 23rd and Port Angeles on November 1st with a K-5 PLC of 30 teachers. These trainings focused on incorporating climate science education using a local phenomenon, forest fires,...