Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories

Partner Stories

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Elementary ClimeTime Online PLCs a Hit

Elementary ClimeTime Online PLCs a Hit

Fifteen elementary science teachers are working hard to bring Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) practices to their classrooms. In August they participated in a three-day workshop with AST teacher leaders and the team from Washington Green Schools learning about why our...

IslandWood’s NGSS in Action: Urban Water Systems

IslandWood’s NGSS in Action: Urban Water Systems

On a crisp autumn Saturday at the Brightwater Treatment Plant, 12 teachers and educators dove head-first into dialogue surrounding urban water issues and solutions. Together, we learned how climate change will effect our regional wastewater and other stormwater...

Going the Extra Mile For Climate Science Learning

Going the Extra Mile For Climate Science Learning

Implementing NGSS-aligned instruction is a priority in Wahluke School District. Where, you may wonder, is Wahluke? Wahluke School District is located on the east bank of the Columbia River in Central Washington. The District encompasses the towns of Mattawa, Desert...

Regenerative Agriculture Storyline Workshop

Regenerative Agriculture Storyline Workshop

For two days this month (October 9th and 10th), 10 educators learned about the role of regenerative agriculture in Washington's key industry and its contribution to climate resiliency. PEI's Central FieldSTEM Coordinator Megan Rivard led attendees in engaging...