Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories


Puget Sound ESD works with school district science leaders and regional community-based organizations (CBOs) to bring climate science concepts through NGSS-aligned, phenomena-based teaching to students across the region. Our greatest area of leverage is the science leaders and teacher leaders in our local school districts who can engage greater numbers of colleagues in racially just, solutions-oriented climate science learning and teaching.

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Regional Science Coordinators are growing and supporting OpenSciEd use amongst middle school science teachers

Regional Science Coordinators are growing and supporting OpenSciEd use amongst middle school science teachers

Between 2018 and 2021, Washington State Regional Science Coordinators and a tea of dedicated middle school science teachers engaged in field testing OpenSciEd instructional units to help inform the development of a complete Grades 6-8 open educational resource (OER)....

Using Public Health Data to Study Climate Change Impacts

Using Public Health Data to Study Climate Change Impacts

Exposing students to real data connected to their lives and their communities is a hallmark of the NGSS science and engineering practices. In the spring of 2021, DOH epidemiologists partnered with a professional development provider from Puget Sound ESD to produce...

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

ClimeTime cited in leading science journal

The Washington state program ClimeTime, which is facilitated by the state’s nine Education Service Districts (ESDs) and community partners, was recently cited as a popular and effective model for educator education in climate science. The Journal of Science Policy and...

Elementary ClimeTime PLC Meets Again!

Elementary ClimeTime PLC Meets Again!

Twenty teachers met, once again, for our monthly Elementary ClimeTime professional learning community gathering on April 21. This month, we spent time with a “Less Like …” “More Like …” table designed to help us thinking through science learning in this new reality....

NGSS Climate Science and the Diverse Classrooms

NGSS Climate Science and the Diverse Classrooms

Thirty-one teachers from across the Puget Sound region joined Karina Vanderbilt Multilingual Learning Director at Puget Sound ESD for a day of learning about how to support multilingual learners in science classroom. We started the day by experiencing a lesson on...