The Gonzaga Institute for Climate, Water, and the Environment launched the Climate Literacy Fellows Program in 2021 in response to Spokane Public School students’ demands for climate education.
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.
NEWESD Project Portraits
A co-designed Climate Science collaborative
The ClimeTime learning experiences for teachers supported by Braided Education Consulting was supported through the co-design of a culturally responsive curriculum unit focused on climate change phenomena to be used in schools serving students from the Confederated Colville Tribes.
Exploring water quality in the classroom, the field and through games
Teaching students how to “do” science requires leadership, planning and a strong grasp of academic content. Cheney Middle School’s seventh graders had rich opportunities to understand different aspects of water quality through Rebecca Hansen’s science teaching and Tammie Schrader’s mentorship…