The Climate Justice League is a cohort-based professional learning experience that supports secondary teachers in designing and implementing science learning activities that highlight social justice and environmental justice connections.
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.
Project Portraits
A co-designed Climate Science collaborative
The ClimeTime learning experiences for teachers supported by Braided Education Consulting was supported through the co-design of a culturally responsive curriculum unit focused on climate change phenomena to be used in schools serving students from the Confederated Colville Tribes.
Network design and support
Key insights from the leadership team efforts include: leveraging distributed expertise and responsibility, liaising across systems, cultivating a collaborative stance within a community of practice, and advocating for expanded and equitable access to professional learning for educators and science learning for students.
Covid-19 Adaptations to support the ClimeTime network
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ClimeTime leadership team and partner organizations adapted the network and project activities in several ways.
Bringing climate science home with STEM Seminars from EarthGen
EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) STEM Seminars provide hands-on, place-based professional development that equips teachers to engage their students in climate science learning.
Teaching the critical link between food waste and climate change
Since 2018, the Pacific Education Institute (PEI) has facilitated seven Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines (SOLS): Food Waste workshops statewide, serving 126 K-12 teachers from 31 school districts and providing 936 clock hours of professional learning.
STEM Storylines
The STEM Storylines are core K-5 instructional units developed over the past four years that support learning focused on bundles of NGSS and the Science and Engineering Practices. Each Storyline deeply integrates STEM learning with other subject areas such as ELA and math.
Elementary ClimeTime Institute
The Elementary ClimeTime Institute offered by ESD121 created a hybrid professional learning community of K-5 educators who used the phenomenon of poor air quality due to wildfires to learn how to engage with the NGSS science and engineering practices through the pedagogical approaches outlined in the Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Project.
Voices of Hope Project GLAD unit
The Teaching for the Climate project was a field-based professional learning experience to support K-5 teachers’ ability to lead outdoor, experiential, place-based, and NGSS-aligned science learning that addresses climate topics.