STEM Seminars have been part of EarthGen’s ClimeTime offerings since 2018. These training opportunities have been available to K-12 teachers, starting in SW Washington with ESD 112 and expanding across the state.
Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.
EarthGen (Formerly Washington Green Schools) Project Portraits
BIPOC Voices Welcome Students into STEM
The BIPOC Voices project supports educator and student learning about Black, Indigenous, and People of Color scientists and community advocates.
Climate Justice League
The Climate Justice League is a cohort-based professional learning experience that supports secondary teachers in designing and implementing science learning activities that highlight social justice and environmental justice connections.
Bringing climate science home with STEM Seminars from EarthGen
EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) STEM Seminars provide hands-on, place-based professional development that equips teachers to engage their students in climate science learning.
Elementary ClimeTime Institute
The Elementary ClimeTime Institute offered by ESD121 created a hybrid professional learning community of K-5 educators who used the phenomenon of poor air quality due to wildfires to learn how to engage with the NGSS science and engineering practices through the pedagogical approaches outlined in the Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) Project.