ESD Grantees
Educational Service Districts

Northeast Washington ESD 101 will reach all 288 buildings that serve teachers and students in their region with teacher trainings around climate change in conjunction with their many community partners.

ESD 105
ESD 105 will integrate Climate Science standards into Fellows Convenings, K-5 Kit training, and regional STEM and/or Science Leadership Network sessions. They will collaborate with local partners and Science Fellows to develop place-based activities for new K-5 science curriculum.

ESD 112
ESD 112’s plan includes a variety of offerings in teacher professional development, development of instructional materials, and student events. Their goal is to engage teachers in exploring ways climate change is impacting their local community so they can provide students with authentic, climate-related problem-solving experiences.

Capital Region ESD 113
Capital Region ESD 113—in conjunction with their partners— will deliver high quality professional development and materials to their region focusing on Climate Science and the NGSS Practice Argument from Evidence with K – 5 teachers and middle school and high school teams.

Olympic ESD 114
Olympic ESD will utilize existing regional networks to extend and enhance professional learning opportunities on the Washington State Science Learning Standards with an emphasis on the climate science related performance expectations and developing teacher leader capacity.

Puget Sound ESD is working to provide each student, especially those underserved, with relevant, place-based learning opportunities. PSESD supports teachers in this work through professional learning that engages and supports them in sharing relevant learning opportunities with their students.

ESD 123
ESD 123 is engaging K-12 teachers in groundbreaking, place-based professional learning with a variety of community partners around climate science, human impacts and resources. These transformative experiences for teachers will translate into authentic learning for their students.

North Central ESD implements Climate Science and NGSS Professional Learning by leveraging commonly used instructional materials, and adapting those materials to focus on local, culturally-relevant phenomena, connecting to English Learners, and expanding opportunities to career-connection and community-based organizations.

Northwest ESD is approaching equity in access to climate science learning through the spheres of P-K learning, indigenous ways of knowing science and pedagogical tools that engage all learners.