What was tried in the classroom?
I took my classes outside to map our trail on the school campus. We looked for evidence of thatch ant highways and mapped any thatch ants hills we found. We collected a sample of thatch ants and looked at them under the digital microscope.
How’d it go?
Fantastic! Students gained experience thinking about the trail from a “birds eye view”. They worked cooperatively in teams and used investigative skills to locate and note their observations. Students were very invested in producing quality work. They studied the ants’ behavior under the microscope and noted the parts of the ant body. Students commented that they loved being outside and observing the ants. They followed up with observing the ants during their recess time. The first time we entered the forest comments were that it smelled funny and they were afraid. Now my students look forward to heading out to the trail and appreciate the fresh air.
ClimeTime Training
Outdoor class: Beyond Classroom Walls: Cultivating Students’ Sense of Wonder and Respect in the Outdoors
School: Evergreen Elementary
District: Peninsula School District
Teacher: Wendy Moore