Media & Video

ClimeTime & Partner Videos

Outdoor Education at Paschal Sherman Indian School

Students at Paschal Sherman Indian School are learning about how to take care of Mother Earth. See how taking care of their land is intertwined with their culture, allowing climate education to be a priority.

Chief Leschi Salmon Release

At Chief Leschi Schools, traditional knowledge is integrated into contemporary climate science education to prepare students to “walk in two worlds”. Learn how this is accomplished as students help raise salmon and release them into the Puyallup River.

ClimeTime: Spokane Student Advisory Council on Climate Change

Spokane Public Schools students wanted to do something about climate change. Specifically, they wanted to expand climate change education in their school district. Through partnerships with Spokane Public Schools, Gonzaga University, and ClimeTime, the Student Advisory Council on Climate Change (SAC3) is doing just that-and much more.

ClimeTime: Why Teach Climate Science?

Find out why teachers need to teach climate science education and what resources are available to help.

ClimeTime: Community Based Organizations

Connecting with CBOs – Community Based Organizations – can help educators learn the most current and accurate information on climate change. Meet organizations who are working with schools and educational service districts to educate teachers who can bring what they learn back to the classroom.

ClimeTime: Community Based Organizations

Connecting with CBOs – Community Based Organizations – can help educators learn the most current and accurate information on climate change. Meet organizations who are working with schools and educational service districts to educate teachers who can bring what they learn back to the classroom.

ClimeTime: Student Voice

Across the world, youth are leaving the classroom and marching in the streets to bring attention to the climate change emergency. The student-directed global protest movement has taken ahold with middle and high school aged youth. Find out more about student involvement with climate change.

ClimeTime: Teaching Climate Science in the Classroom

Teachers across the state of Washington are learning about climate science and bringing that knowledge into their classrooms. Learn more about this state-wide initiative through the field trips and seminars teachers and students attend.

ClimeTime in the Media