Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

ClimeTime partners offer a variety of methods in supporting teacher professional development for climate education. These stories highlight partner successes in educating teachers across Washington state about the many ways in which climate science and the focus on local phenomena-based learning can engage both teachers and students.
By sharing these stories, ClimeTime hopes that educators, students, and anyone invested in rigorous and experiential science learning will be inspired to explore how they can engage with climate science in their region. ClimeTime values the work of Washington’s students, teachers, and community-based partners, and seeks to celebrate their commitment to engaging learning experiences.
Click on a story below to read more:
Central Washington teachers dig in to PEI’s Regenerative Agriculture Storylines
Thanks to the support of ESD (Educational Service Districts) 105 and 171, eleven more Central Washington teachers were able to join the Pacific Education Institute (PEI) for an exploration of their Regenerative Agriculture Storylines. This two-day hybrid online and...
A Day as a Field Scientist Helps Students Learn How They Can Make Difference for Endangered Species in Their Area
In late April 2022, in the midst of windy, rainy, unseasonably cool, and pleasant spring conditions, over 230 5th and some 6th grade students from Waterville, Bridgeport, Tonasket, and Oroville participated in STEAM in the Field Events. The STEAM in the Field events...
Cohort of K-3 educators brings PEI’s Urban Forestry Storyline into their classrooms
How can trees be used to create positive impact in communities? This was the question at hand for a group of K-3 educators from Capitol Region ESD 113 this past winter as they explored Pacific Education Institute’s (PEI) Urban Forestry storyline. Tressa Arbow, PEI...
Voices of Hope Energizes Teachers to Bring Climate Science Learning to Their Students
Over the course of three days, March 29th through 31st, educators were immersed in learning about a one-of-a-kind open educational resource GLAD unit, Voices of Hope. This unit, developed and trained by NCESD’s Kate Lindholm, with the help of Dr. Sara Martinez,...
Learning to Live with Rising Seas
From high school students calculating the sea level rise resulting from climate change to kindergarteners tackling plastic pollution, EarthGen’s professional development workshops are bringing environmental learning and action to Washington classrooms. “Living with...
PEI’s Solar Energy Workshop Brings Educators and Energy Professionals Together
Educators in southeast Washington joined Pacific Education Institute FieldSTEM Coordinators Megan Rivard and Amy Dawley for an adventure in solar energy this February. Through a series of three synchronous Zoom sessions and asynchronous tasks via Canvas, participants...
Student Green Congress
The Chehalis Basin Education Consortium, a watershed education program at Capital Region ESD 113 joined forces with two other local watershed programs for the annual event Student GREEN Congress from March 11th through March 17th. Student GREEN Congress is an...
Teachers Tackle Food Waste with PEI’s Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines
Nehemias Chalma, Compost Facility Manager at Natural Selection Farms, spoke to teachers in both English and Spanish cohorts about using compost to support healthy soil. Where does good food go bad? This question gave educators in ESD 105, NCESD, and PSESD something to...
6th and 7th Graders Explore Bioplastics as an Alternative to Traditional Plastics
The room was a buzz as students pulled their bioplastics from the cabinet where samples had been left drying over the weekend. Some sounds of disappointment could be heard across the room as well as some exclamations of “Check it out!” Eighteen middle school students...