Partner stories

These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

Partner Stories

ClimeTime partners offer a variety of methods in supporting teacher professional development for climate education. These stories highlight partner successes in educating teachers across Washington state about the many ways in which climate science and the focus on local phenomena-based learning can engage both teachers and students.

By sharing these stories, ClimeTime hopes that educators, students, and anyone invested in rigorous and experiential science learning will be inspired to explore how they can engage with climate science in their region. ClimeTime values the work of Washington’s students, teachers, and community-based partners, and seeks to celebrate their commitment to engaging learning experiences.

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Click on a story below to read more:

The Journey of a Water Droplet

The Journey of a Water Droplet

Storytelling, a powerful art form that allows for the passing of knowledge, tradition, and different ways of being. Storytelling can grasp the creative reflections of thought, emotion, and the interconnectedness of it all. Environmental Storytelling Can Help Spread...

Field Work Provides Students with Authentic Science Experience

Field Work Provides Students with Authentic Science Experience

Over the course of two days, April 27th and April 29th, eight Tonasket Elementary School teachers and 63 5th grade students visited the Scotch Creek Wildlife Area located near Conconully, WA. The purpose of these visits was to take their classroom science learning...

Snow Science

On a snowshoe hike Kat Hall, with The Lands Council, uses snow science to teach about snow-water equivalent (SWE), and how that may have impacts on the landscapes throughout the seasons.

Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Fire for Secondary Educators

Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Fire for Secondary Educators

During February 2021, 26 middle school and high school educators from across the ESD 113 region attended a three-day online workshop, Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Fire for Secondary Educators, with Pacific Education Institute’s FieldSTEM Coordinators Hattie...

Climate Science Learning for K-3 Teachers- Part 2

Climate Science Learning for K-3 Teachers- Part 2

During the 2020-2021 school year 28 educators from the ESD 113 region met over the span of five sessions to learn more about climate science, teaching students outdoors and crafting 5E lessons. Information about the first three sessions of this series can be seen in...

Connecting Lessons of COVID and Climate Change

Connecting Lessons of COVID and Climate Change

A new virtual training, COVID and Climate Change helps teachers explore the relationships among climate change, COVID, and social injustice. This professional learning workshop, a collaboration between EarthGen and ESD 112, was first offered on January 23 and attended...

Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Solar in Central Washington

Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Solar in Central Washington

During the week of February 8th, 2021, 19 teachers from ten Central and Eastern Washington school districts attended a three-day online workshop, Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Renewable Energy-Solar, with Pacific Education Institute’s FieldSTEM Coordinator...