Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.
ClimeTime partners offer a variety of methods in supporting teacher professional development for climate education. These stories highlight partner successes in educating teachers across Washington state about the many ways in which climate science and the focus on local phenomena-based learning can engage both teachers and students.
By sharing these stories, ClimeTime hopes that educators, students, and anyone invested in rigorous and experiential science learning will be inspired to explore how they can engage with climate science in their region. ClimeTime values the work of Washington’s students, teachers, and community-based partners, and seeks to celebrate their commitment to engaging learning experiences.
Click on a story below to read more:
Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Erosion and Food Waste
On September 19th and 20th, 18 formal and informal educators attended PEI's two-day workshop at the Salmon Center in Belfair to learn about erosion and food waste storylines that address climate change. Each of these incorporates NGSS aligned 3-Dimensional...
CASTL Reflective Planning Day #1
This summer, NWESD welcomes 28 new teachers into our Ambitious Science Teaching network by engaging them in ocean acidification as a context to learning about explanatory modeling. On October 15th, our 28 summer participants joined many of our alumni to learn about...
Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Forest Carbon Sequestration Workshop
For two days last month (September 26th-27th), 23 educators from around the South Sound gathered at Washington State University's Allmendinger Center in Puyallup to take a deep dive into the role of Washington's forests in climate change resiliency. Participants...
Stressed Out Pikas Help Cascade High School Students Learn about Climate Science
This fall students at Cascade High School in Leavenworth have been studying what the large scale disappearance of American Pikas from regions experiencing warmer summers and decreased winter snowpack can tell us about energy and matter in the environment and the...
Elementary Teachers Prepare For NGSS-Aligned Instruction
During the week of August 12 to August 16, more that 220 elementary teachers from 20 public school districts prepared to implement new science units based on the Next Generation Science Standards at ESD 105 in Yakima, WA. The teachers took on the role of students as...
Digging to Make Sense of Earth Changes
The Earth Systems and Changes project brought together K-6 teachers from Southeast Washington to experience place based, local field experiences at the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site to understand Earth systems, changes, and climate science in the context of natural and...
Growing Interest in Elementary Science- A Schoolyard Garden Initiative
Olympic Educational Service District 114 has recently launched the Growing Elementary Science schoolyard garden initiative. This year long project began with thirty-five elementary teachers learning the science behind plant growth and how to anchor science learning...
IslandWood Teacher Professional Development Workshop in Tukwila
On September 28th, 16 teachers and educators gathered at Cascade View Elementary School in Tukwila to participate in IslandWood's "NGSS in Action: Science in the Schoolyard" workshop. Together, they dove into discussions of "three dimensional" science learning, and...
Solutions Oriented Learning Storylines: Writing Workshop – Focus on Fire
Over the course of three days (August 19th-21st), half a dozen educators from around the state joined Pacific Education Institute staff in Castle Rock to write curriculum on fire science, with the goal that they will help facilitate PEI workshops on this topic during...