Partner stories
These stories are a collection of educator professional learning experiences and opportunities provided by ESD, CBO and Tribal School partners.

ClimeTime partners offer a variety of methods in supporting teacher professional development for climate education. These stories highlight partner successes in educating teachers across Washington state about the many ways in which climate science and the focus on local phenomena-based learning can engage both teachers and students.
By sharing these stories, ClimeTime hopes that educators, students, and anyone invested in rigorous and experiential science learning will be inspired to explore how they can engage with climate science in their region. ClimeTime values the work of Washington’s students, teachers, and community-based partners, and seeks to celebrate their commitment to engaging learning experiences.
Click on a story below to read more:
Climate Change on Human Health
Educators in ESD 112 learned about the impacts climate change has on human health. Thank you to Southwest Clean Air Agency for providing specific resources on local air quality! One teacher said the training, "made me excited to spread the data [around human health]...
Washington invests $4 million this year to bring climate science into classrooms
By Bellamy Pailthorp of - Read original story In what’s been called the most ambitious statewide climate science education initiative in the country, Washington state is putting $4 million dollars this year toward training teachers who want to integrate...
Carbonated Water: Teaching Climate Science, Ocean Acidification, and Data Literacy
This two-day workshop (March 1-2, 2019) for middle and high school teachers focused on connecting the causes and effects of climate change and ocean acidification. Students used local and regional online data to gain data skills, argue with evidence, and make...
Cascade School District Adopts Local Phenomenon Unit Developed by Local Teachers
10th grade students in Molly Ravitz's class are using a unit developed by local teachers around local phenomenon. Students are testing out their lab design to investigate the insulating properties of snow and its effect of sub-talus temperature in the winter in order...
Innovative climate science grant connects classroom instruction to real-world issues
With the recently released U.S. Climate Report containing alarming data about climate change, ESD (Educational Services District) 112 is working to help educate teachers and ultimately students about the issue. Using the cutting-edge $3 million climate science grant...
Thermal Energy OpenSciEd
On February 25-26, 6th grade teachers from three school districts on the Olympic Peninsula participated in learning about a new OER sixth grade unit called Thermal Energy. Teachers will be piloting the unit in their classrooms this coming spring. The number of...
Stories of Us and the Environment
Last week the NWESD 189 held the first of a two-part ClimeTime class called “Stories of Us and the Environment." This class focused on the intersection of ELA and science, specifically through the lens of narratives that we all have inside of us. A group of mostly K-5...
Community Mapping with Crosscutting Concepts
IslandWood Teacher Professional Development in PSESD On February 2nd, 22 teachers and educators spent the morning at Cascade View Elementary School in Tukwila learning and practicing how the use of crosscutting concepts and climate related standards can be supported...
Zombie Guacamole Training
In ESD 114, 21 5th grade teachers gathered to learn about Washington Green School's 5th grade unit called Zombie Guacamole. In this NGSS-driven and phenomenon-based curriculum, students explore the factors of decomposition to understand how a bowl of guacamole was...