System Resources

System Resources for Networks

Addressing the climate crisis is not a lone venture; it will take communities of people working together to create the sustainable future we seek.

The State of Washington Legislature’s unique budget language for this program calls out direct funding for professional learning providers, including regional Educational Service Districts, community-based organizations, and state and tribal compact schools. The ClimeTime network’s success is a direct outcome of years of collaborative community and network building amongst the grantees, fostering a sense of shared responsibility among educators and interest holders across the state.

Project Portraits

Project Portraits are highlights of the diversity of work done by ClimeTime and the many ways in which climate science and the focus on local phenomena-based learning can engage both teachers and students.

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Connected Science Learning Special Issue

Read the NSTA Connected Science Learning Journal authored by the ClimeTime community.

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Climate Change Learning Across Content Areas

A resource hub for information about teaching climate change across grade levels and content areas.

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Network Design and Support

Read more about how the ClimeTime Network was designed and supported.

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Launching K-12 Climate Science Literacy to Scale in Washington State

Read about the launch of Climetime in this 2018 article in the Green School Catalyst Quarterly Journal.

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OSPI Annual Proviso Reports

View the yearly proviso reports by searching for “Science Teacher Training Grants.”

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